How Much Do Freelancers Charge for E-commerce SEO in 2024?

If you have started your online store, all set to beat your competitors. But to succeed, it is not just about having a nice website and easy checkout. You need someone to help you show up in online searches – like a freelance E-commerce SEO expert.

But before you join forces, you might wonder, “How much should I pay this E-commerce SEO freelancer?” Don’t worry, I will explain how freelancer SEO pricing works.

The cost of hiring an E-commerce SEO freelancer can vary a lot. They might charge by the hour, usually between $50 and $200. Experienced ones may ask for even more, like $300 per hour.

For bigger projects, freelancers might offer a fixed price. This can range from $1,000 to $20,000 or more, depending on the project’s size.

Some freelancers also offer monthly plans for ongoing SEO help. These usually start at around $500 per month.

But remember, it is not just about the price. Consider their experience, past projects, and how well they explain things. You want someone who knows their stuff and can communicate with you.

To find the right SEO partner, check out online platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or connect with agencies. Look for someone who fits your budget, project needs, and communication style.

With the right SEO ally, your online store can climb to the top of search results.

How Much Do Freelancers Charge for E-commerce SEO in 2024?

How Much is SEO per hour in the UK?

Let us discuss different ways people charge for this service, and give you some tips for finding the right person to help you with your online business.

Things that can affect the cost

  1. Size and Complexity of Your Shop:

If your shop is small and simple, it might cost less than a big and complicated one.

2. Competition in Your Business:

If a lot of other businesses sell the same things as you, it might be more expensive to make your shop stand out.

3. What You Want to Achieve:

If you want a full check-up for your shop, ongoing help with words people search for, or just some fixes to your website content, that can change the cost.

4. How Experienced and Well-Known the Person Helping You Is:

If the person or company you hire has done this a lot and is well-known, they might charge more, but they might also offer more help.

Ways people might charge you

  • Pay by the Hour:

You pay for the time someone spends helping you. This is good for small jobs or things that won’t take a long time.

  • Pay for a Specific Job:

You pay a fixed price for a specific thing, like a report about words people use when searching or a plan to make your website better.

  • Pay Every Month:

You pay a set amount every month for ongoing help. This is good if you want someone to keep helping you regularly.

So, how much might it cost?

  • Freelancers:

They might charge between £35 and £100 per hour, or £500 to £5,000 for a project.

  • Small Companies:

They might charge between £50 and £150 per hour, or £1,000 to £10,000 for a project.

  • Big Companies:

They might charge more, with hourly rates over £150 and project costs over £10,000.

How Much is SEO per hour in the USA?

Your needs and costs depend on;

  1. Store Size and Complexity:

A small store with few products needs different SEO than a big store with many products.

2. Competition Level:

If you sell electronics, where many others sell too, you need more SEO work than selling unique baking supplies.

3. Current SEO Health:

Is your website starting from scratch or has existing problems? Starting fresh needs more effort and money than fixing problems.

4. Desired Goals:

Do you want quick boosts in traffic or a long-term presence online?

Now, let us talk about how you pay for SEO. Companies and freelancers usually offer three main ways

  • Hourly Rates:

Pay for the hours worked, usually between $50 to $250 per hour. Good for short projects.

  • Monthly Fees:

Pay a monthly fee, between $500 to $10,000+. This covers ongoing SEO work like research, content creation, and technical improvements. Good for long-term growth.

  • Fixed Project Costs:

Pay a fixed cost for specific tasks, like checking your website or studying competitors. Prices range from $1,000 to $20,000+.

How Much is SEO per hour in the India?

Your SEO needs and costs in India depend on a few things:

  1. Store Size and Complexity

A small soap boutique needs less SEO than a big store selling everything.

  • Competition

Battling for phone keywords needs more SEO than niche tea blends.

  • Current SEO Status

Fixing a messy website costs more than optimizing a smooth one.

  • Goals

Quick sale boost or long-term dominance? Your goals guide your spending.

E-commerce SEO in India offers three pricing models;

  • Hourly Rates

Flexible, from INR 300 to INR 2,000 per hour. Good for short tasks.

  • Monthly Retainers

Comprehensive, from INR 5,000 to INR 25,000+ per month. Ideal for long-term growth.

  • Project-Based Pricing

Fixed costs for specific tasks, from INR 10,000 to INR 50,000+.

From the above discussion, we can easily conclude that India is much cheaper than the UK and USA. Find qualified providers who get E-commerce SEO in any country.

E-commerce SEO is not a one-time cost. It is an investment in your store’s future. A solid strategy brings traffic, leads, and conversions. Explore options that fit your budget and goals.